Back in 1978, Nur Md Tariki became the president of Afghanistan with a great support of Russia. He led to modernisation in Afghanistan which was not accepted by the majority muslims in the country. This was the time when USSR and USA were at cold war with each other.
To eliminate the Russian influence USA sent some people from Saudi Arabia among which a famous name that we all know is Osama Bin Laden who later attacked USA in the 9/11 attack because USA striked Saddam Hussain in Iran from Saudi Arabia which was against Laden’s interests.
To counter the American influence in Iran, USSR started influencing Afghanistan. This led to a revolution in both countries. America had to leave Iran, so to provoke USSR to take a step back, an American supporter who was Afghanistan’s foreign minister overthrew Russian influenced president.
Now USSR had no choice but to attack Afghanistan but it was unsuccessful in it due to the resistance by Mujahiddin. Among the Mujahiddins, a group of young students played an exceptional role in eradicating the USSR. This student group was called Taliban and was led by a boy named Mulla Umar.
In 2001, Osama Bin Laden carried out 9/11 attack and when Americans asked Taliban about Osama’s location, they said that he wasn’t in Afghanistan. Due to this America now had got against Taliban and went for an attack on Afghanistan. The war was started in 2001 and now in 2021, Joe Biden called the army back.
Now we might understand that fighting and defeating Taliban in Afghanistan is not a piece of cake. Currently Afghanistan is under the rule of Taliban and will continue to do so probably for a long period of time. Also in my opinion USA creates terrorist groups and funds it for its own interests and when their job is done or the group starts clashing with them, they declare them as global terrorists and launch an attack. This mindset maybe due to the fact that USA is highly benifited by the sale of its arms and defence technology and to keep the sales high tension should prevail in any part of the world.