Aurora borealis is also known as the northern lights and there is also Aurora australis which are the southern lights.
Auroras are certain shimmering sheets of lights which look like curtains in the night sky, usually they are pale greenish or pale pink in colour.
The sun has its own atmosphere and a very powerful magnetic field which causes solar prominences that are large loops of gas which go out of sun’s corona and comes back to the sun. Sometimes these magnetic field lines pinch off and results into coronal mass ejection which is ejection of hot solar gas and there is constant solar wind that comes out of the sun containing the same solar gas or plasma particles and when this solar wind interacts with the magnetic field of the earth, that’s when you get to see Auroras.
This generally happens at the two poles because the magnetic field of earth is comparatively weak at the poles and thus provides a way for these particles to enter the atmosphere and interact with gases in the atmosphere.
It is the interaction of these particles with the oxygen and nitrogen at various pressures which causes such colours we see.